Modules for Corporates

Programmes are aimed at the individual and the multiple roles he/she is involved in. Innovation, excellence, personal growth and renewal are the core themes around which programmes are designed. The programs we offer are as following :

A Program to Enhance Organisational Effectiveness

A Two-day Motivational Program for youth

Attitude and Leadership
Family Enrichment
Oral Presentation Skills and Voice Strengthening
HOLD THE FORT (Interpersonal Effectiveness)
Communication Skills for Interface Staff and front line Managers
Make success a Habit
Handle with Care 2020
What They don’t teach in school
Enhancing Creativity – a one day Program

Staffing Services

Personal Effectiveness Program (Part I)

Personal Effectiveness Program( Part II )

Personal Effectiveness Program( Part III )

Modules Details

A Program to Enhance Organizational Effectiveness

(This includes, Team Effectiveness, Team Management, Leadership Styles Owning Responsibility, Blocks operating within us etc. A Two-day module for executives, front-line and middle level managers)


My interactions and training sessions with executives, front and middle level managers in the last 20 years across the country and abroad have revealed certain interesting points. First and foremost is that in the present competitive market and internet era, these executives and front-line managers should be informed of their vulnerability in the organization. Introducing them to a conventional training program covering goal setting, decision making , delegation, etc. alone is not sufficient. No doubt they are very much required in the package, but what they need is plenty of motivational and behavioral inputs to update themselves in several functional areas at work and home.

Objectives This is an age of niche markets, intense competition, various kinds of product differentiation, etc. In this type of a situation, an organization focuses on low cost, continuous innovation, and flexibility. To a great extent new recruitments will not be there. Existing people will have to do multifunctional responsibilities. They have to be mentally and physically tuned and trained to undertake such responsibilities. This is the reality. Keeping these realities in mind, a 2 day module containing the following topics is recommended

  1. Where do we stand in the present globally competitive market?
  2. Attitude defined –
  3. Leadership styles (situational Leadership)
  4. Owning Responsibility
  5. Blocks operating within us
  6. Effective communication skills
  7. Time Management
  8. Synergy and Team Effectiveness/ Are you a Team Player?
  9. Creativity and Innovation

We will do this in a Workshop Mode with several exercises, group activities and role plays to an audience of 25 to 30 participants to get optimum impact. The participant will get quite a good amount of information and input to understand his/her real potentials and weaknesses. Through several tests they will be able to discover their leadership style and also the blocks operating within them. It will motivate them to acquire new learning habits.  It starts at 9.30 AM and ends at 5 PM with one hour lunch break and appropriate tea breaks.

The same workshop can be conducted in WEBINAR mode also in 5 sessions of 2 hours each.

——————————————————————————————————Faculty Facilitator: Jacob Mathews

A Two-day motivational program for our youth


We have definitely made a positive difference in our lives post independence period, and we came to be known as an emerging nation from its old tag of under developed country.  But when we look at the stark realities that surround us, sometimes I doubt, whether are we really a free country.  But there is a ray of hope.  That is the youth of this country.  That is you.   You have the resources to take this country to economic prosperity and transform it into a true global leader.

You will also realize that this post Covid 19 period is of niche markets, intense competition, various kinds of product differentiation, etc. In this type of a situation, an organization focuses on low cost, continuous innovation, and flexibility. To a great extent new recruitments will not be there. Existing people will have to do multifunctional responsibilities. They have to be mentally and physically tuned and trained to undertake such responsibilities. This is the reality.

Keeping these realities in mind I suggest the following 2 day module:

  1. Corporate Reality
  2. Leadership styles (situational Leadership)
  3. Owning Responsibility
  4. Blocks operating within us
  5. Effective communication skills
  6. Basics of Creativity
  7. Synergy and Team Effectiveness/ Are you a Team Player?


A motivational talk for whole day to a crowd of 100 or 200 people won’t make any difference to anyone.  At the end of the day they are confused  and they won’t even know what is the take home for the day. Therefore I suggest that to get maximum mileage, let this be a 2 days interactive program.

We will do this in a Workshop Mode with several exercises, group activities and role plays to an audience of 25 to 30 participants to get optimum impact. The participant will get quite a good amount of information and input to understand his/her real potentials and weaknesses. It will motivate him to acquire new learning habits.  It starts at 9.30 AM and ends at 5 PM with one hour lunch break and appropriate tea/coffee breaks.

We can also do this Program in WEBINAR  mode of 5 sessions of 2 hours each according to your convenience.

Attitude and Leadership

(A Two – day Program for middle level Managers)


Somebody rightly pointed out that your “Altitude is determined by your Attitude”.  How far you can go up in life depends on your attitude. Attitude can make or break you and the people you lead.  Positive attitude of a team need not necessarily guarantee its success, but negative attitudes guarantee its ruin. Attitude is everything. Negative or in other words wrong attitudes have caused many people to do poorly in their jobs, especially when they are in a leadership role.  A very recent research study shows seven out ten Front level Managers fired have attitude problems ranging from not getting along with their team mates, refusing to follow instructions from top etc.  When we are in a positive frame of mind, we are helpful  and generous to others, motivate our colleagues, we exercise better judgement, problem solving, decision making  and creative skills. Similarly, when we maintain a negative attitude, we have less ability to solve problems and make  practically no breakthroughs,  because we feel insecure and emotionally fragile.

As in the case of Attitude, a Leader is defined as a “person who has the ability to influence a group of people and lead them to accomplish a particular task”. Suppose, on a 1-10 scale, your leadership is at 6. The effectiveness of your work will never rise above your  ability to lead and influence others.   You cannot produce consistently on a level higher than your leadership. In other words, your leadership skills determine the level of your success – and the success of those who work around you. The program enables participants to understand their leadership styles.

Topics discussed in the Program: (1) Basics of non-verbal communication (This is not taught in any college or School in our country, and it has a direct bearing on your interaction with your team mates.)(2)  Situational Leadership to understand your Leadership style and also understand different types of subordinates in your team,(3) principle centred leadership, (4) wrong and right attitudes,(5) proactivity and reactivity, (6) emotional bank A/c (7). Owning responsibility  (8) Understanding our mental blocks  etc. The whole program is interspersed with group games/activities  to make it a totally interactive program.

We can do this module in WEBINAR mode also of 5 sessions of 2 hours each according to your convenience.


Resource Person: Jacob Mathews

Communication Skills

Irrespective of the purpose of our communication, whether it is to persuade,

entertain or educate, for it to be successful it needs to be received, understood,

accepted and ultimately acted upon by the audience. A recent study, quoted by

Harvard Business Review, reveals that among the different reasons for businesses

to lose customers, 61% is due to poor communication skills of managers and

interface staff. (This contains, basics of inter and intrapersonal communications, nonverbal communications, Barriers to Communication, Listening Skills, 4 types of Presentations and Graceful presentations like Introducing a Speaker, Saying Vote of Thanks, then improving the Voice quality, bodily and vocal aspects etc.) 4 Sessions of 1.5 hours each.

Session 1: Communication explained as understood by participants ( to make it interactive) and then give definitions by experts who specialized in this field, interpersonal and intrapersonal communication, the role of sensory receptors in communication, attitudinal frame, stimuli, (both internal and external stimuli).  1.5 hours

Session 2: Non verbal communication and its role in our day to day life. Eye communication, space communication, tactile communication, Meta communication, Para language etc.  (There is one exercise  to demonstrate the need for modulation and pause in conversation.  Participants have to read the passage aloud in the class) This session will also include Barriers to communication and Effective listening. 1.5 hours


Session 3:  Presentation Modes.  Different types of presentations like Graceful Speeches, (How to introduce a person to an audience, How to propose a vote of thanks etc.) Manuscript Mode, Memory Mode, Extempore and Impromptu Mode. There are impromptu exercises. 1.5 hours

 Session 4: Vocal aspects like, Pitch, Rate, Volume, and Bodily aspects like eye contact, shifting of body weight, lower and upper body movement, how to prepare a speech (MSD Chart), Aristotlean Principles, OPEN UP formula etc.  1.5 hours

In all there will be 4 sessions of 1.5 hours each with exercise that can be done individually.

Why this Program is Important

As a working professional, you may be required to communicate with varied

people within and outside the organisation. This may require you to give

directions to different individuals, make presentations to senior management,

external customers or communicate with your suppliers and financers. Do you

have a hard time getting such messages across? Or do you find that it is not

understood the way you intended it and they do not think and behave the way

you wished them to?

Our module on Communication Skills for Interface Staff and Frontline Managers,

will guide you through the basics of communication and effective listening. For any working professional, these skills are very essential for better performance and effectiveness.

Attitude and Leadership



Somebody rightly pointed out that your “Altitude is determined by your Attitude”.  How far you can go up in life depends on your attitude. Attitude can make or break you and the people you lead.  Positive attitude on a team need not necessarily guarantee its success, but negative attitudes guarantee its ruin. Attitude is everything. “ Your attitude is the sum total of your beliefs, assumptions, expectations and values.  It determines the meaning or significance  you attach to events that take place around you and your response to thatIn short, it is how you Relate, React and Respond to what is taking place around you”.



Leadership involves two functions, namely,  selecting the right path for the subordinates  to follow and also enthusing or influencing them to follow that path willingly.  Your effectiveness as a leader does not depend upon the amount of hard work you put in.  You may be very knowledgeable in your domain area, about rules, regulations and procedures and are perhaps personally very efficient in carrying out the assigned tasks.  All this would not mean that you are an effective leader.  Your effectiveness as a leader will depend upon your vision, your initiative and your judgement in identifying the right path and then using all the resourcefulness and drive needed to provide the right kind of leadership to your team members.


Session 1: What is Attitude.  Attitude explained with its definitions,  ( several examples and anecdots are used in this session to explain why attitude revitalization is required. )   Difference between Reacting and Responding. 1.5 hours


Session 2: Right Attitude, Wrong Attitude, Reactivity, Proactivity, Owning Responsibility etc. 1.5 hours.


Session 3: Leadership, Managerial Styles, Assessing our Managerial Styles, different kinds of leadership etc. 1.5 hours


Session 4: How Team Works, Assessing your Core strength in a Team Situation. How Emotional Bank Account helps in Team Efforts. 1.5 hours.




Why This Program Important?


In this globally competitive market economy, especially when the Covid-19 pandemic has sent the whole world economy to a tailspin, as  professionals, most of you are under tremendous work related stress.  The  new norm of market economy has brought in a great deal of technology, like artificial intelligence, online transactions. digitalisation etc.   This is going to significantly change our work culture, style and values etc.  Staying competitive in the market is putting pressure on you to hone your skills to perform better.


Negative or in other words wrong attitudes have caused many people to do poorly in their jobs, especially when they are in a leadership role.  A very recent research study shows seven out ten Managers fired have attitude problems ranging from not getting along with their team mates, refusing to follow instructions from top etc.  When we are in a positive frame of mind, we are helpful  and generous to others, motivate our colleagues, we exercise better judgement, problem solving, decision making  and creative skills. Similarly, when we maintain a negative attitude, we have less ability to solve problems and make  practically no breakthroughs,  because we feel insecure and emotionally fragile. As a Leader with the right kind of Attitude and interpersonal skills you will be able to guide your team towards Organizational Effectiveness.


When you are hired as an Executive or Frontline Manager, the organizations hiring you will give more preference to your Right Attitude and Leadership Skills than mere degrees or how much know from the text books.  These 4 sessions on Attitude and Leadership will give you an edge over others working with you.

Creativity, Innovation, Mental Blocks & Goal Setting




The need of the hour


Our business landscape in this pandemic period is witnessing a pronounced presence of two powerful forces – information technology and globalization. And to top it, most of the routine activities  are becoming online, cash transactions are digitalised and to speed up all these, Artificial Intelligence is also entering into our daily life.   Information on the Internet flow across the globe in an instant and at practically no cost.    Time and distance are no more trade barriers as in the past.  Therefore it is an opportunity rich environment for the Creative people. Most people are not aware of their creative potentials but once realized, it provides tremendous confidence and enthusiasm. Much like the mystical musk-deer search the whole world not knowing  that the scent (Kasturi) is within itself,  people go through a whole life time without knowing that the answers lie within  themselves.  It only needs gentle provocation to awaken the spirits of creativity.


Session1:  What is Creativity? Definitions, Difference between Creativity and Innovation, Convergent and Divergent thinking, Functions of the Left and Right Hemispheres, Simple exercises to understand Imagination (Divergent Thinking)  etc.  1.5 Hours


Session 2: Some tips to enhance Creativity, Right Brain/Left Brain Exercise. Understanding our Blocks, What Prevents us from becoming successful etc. 1.5 Hours


Session 3: Creativity Exercise, Setting Goals, Visualization, role of Conscious and Subconscious, Writing a new script for subconscious, Armoury of the creative .  1.5 Hours


Why This Program is Important


In today’s unpredictable business environment, customer requirements are constantly changing and new competition is emerging seemingly from nowhere, as are new technologies and market opportunities. Every day, in offices, factories, and homes, people try to solve problems. Yet many problems in our professional and personal life seem  completely without solution.  It is the era of Jugad – with minimum time and cost one has to come out with something innovative to meet the constantly changing requirements of the customer and the market.


Business houses who are not creative and continue to operate in the old ways will slowly disappear.  One of the seven Corporate realities of today is, if you want to survive as a business venture in the present market economy, you need to be creative and customer sensitive. Attending these 3 sessions will, to a great extent, help you realise your hidden potentials and channelise them towards success in your career.

IT Staffing

Staffing Services Vertical

We have been on corporate training journey of 29 years in India & overseas, across industries with our founder Mr Jacob Mathews conducting the training sessions. These training workshops of single day ,2 days and 3 days cover diverse areas like Creativity, Personal transformation, Personal Effectiveness and Communication Skills.

Educated in Kerala, Ahmedabad & US, Mr Mathews has had a prior experience of 30 years in Public Relations at Isro & Iffco Ahmedabad, where he has worked with various luminaries like Dr Vikram Sarabhai, Dr Kasturinagar, Dr Kalam, Prof Yashpal, Prof Ev Chitnis & Mr Sheshan in his Isro stint.

We have started Staffing services vertical 2022 onwards  for the IT Industry, using our extensive network of contacts across India, tie ups with Colleges and Corporates for whom we have conducted training programmes in the last 3 decades.

Staffing Services Vertical for the IT industry, is being helmed by Mr Abel Mathews, who has been in the Sales & Distribution, Business Development and Alliances Function within the FMCG & Telecom Industry in the last 28 years with companies like Colgate Palmolive, Hcl-Nokia, Aircel, Reliance Communications in India and managed Fmcg/OTC Business in Nigeria.



We identify experienced and qualified professional from various sources. These could be from our contacts in the industry, personal referrals, professional networking and online networks



Once we spot talent with the requisite experience and skills required for specific roles, we then conduct a face-to-face meeting to ensure correct fitment to the role being offered to the resource.


We will monitor the performance of the employee through the  HR team for a win win proposition. This is to ensure that we are giving the best quality service in the industry.

As marketplaces become increasingly global, we will endeavour to keep pace with latest developments in the human resources arena and provide the most suitable solutions.

What participants say about us

I attended Mr. Jacob Mathew’s two and a half day long course on “Attitude & Leadership” organized at NRSC, Shadnagar campus in Oct, 2018. The program left a long-lasting impression on me and helped me to explore many things in the attitude and leadership front that were either unknown to me. The instructor Mr. Matthew’s delivery and overall energy was superb! He wasn’t enforcing anything on us rather he was taking us through a fun journey of individual and group tasks, lectures etc and things were just unfolding. I could vouch that everyone in the class was enjoying by looking at the way everyone remained enthusiastic till the end. I hope to attend his courses again sometime and wish that he continues to conduct these courses to help people. Very highly recommend this course to anyone.
Dr. Santonu Goswami
Scientist National Remote Sensing Centre Indian Space Research Organization, Hyderabad, India
I pursued a grooming course under Mathew Jacob sir in AMA in the year 2016. It was a life changing experience for me. Teachings of him like dynamic listening, activities to stimulate the right brain, being more creative, absorb in your surroundings like sugar in the glass of milk, learn to respond to the situation not reacting, meditation, visualization etc etc I am still implementing in my professional life. I must recommend to everyone who is interested in personality development, growth & grooming, this is a course you should look into. Believe me it will change your perception towards life and after completion of course you will be a whole new individual.
Bhoomi Chokshi

Enroll for the courses now.